DJ Shorty Smooth
We have another fun filled social dance cruise planned for you which includes private themed parties, Chicago Stepping, Detroit Ballroom, Line Dancing, an Old School Dance Party, and an offshore group excursion. Did you say you don’t know how to dance? Well don’t let that stop you! We will have dance classes with some of the best instructors in the game. Whether you have sailed before, or have never been on a ship, we guarantee you there's nothing like Oh So Smooth Cruise!
We look forward to you sailing with us!
We look forward to you sailing with us!
Michelle Alston-Brown
Cruise Coordinator
I want to personally invite you to sail with us for the 7th Annual Oh So Smooth Cruise. If you have sailed with us before, let's do it again! You can make your payments right here on the website. Complete the Registration Form and get on board with us today. Questions? Text me at (424) 278-4731 for more information. We'd be happy to have you sail with us!